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Posts published in April 2014

The Sixties Turn Fifty

We’re well into the Golden Anniversary of the sixties and I’ve scheduled in the Free Speech Movement’s Reunion in September in Berkeley. I expect to…

Tribe Of Giants

For my birthday last October my brother gave me the coolest warmest San Francisco Giants jacket, a stylish melding of orange and black fabric with a smallish team insignia on the chest directly over my heart, and a grandiose insignia on the back, centered under the word GIANTS writ in large white capital letters outlined in orange. Little did I suspect that this jacket would prove to be a magical loosener of the tongues of countless men and women who had previously looked upon me with suspicion or indifference.

Redwood Valley Going Dry

Redwood Valley has the most fragile water supply in Mendocino County. Because of its limited storage capacity, the Redwood Valley County Water District has been…

‘Cut Away, Barrister!’

Eric Galloway crossed the double yellow line on the Coyote Valley Reservation north of Ukiah, giving Tribal Officer Greg Salisbury probable cause to pull him…

Valley People (Apr 23, 2014)

DEPUTY SQUIRES has sold his house and he and Mrs. Deputy have done moved to Sonoma County. For almost four decades The Deputy, and he was the deputy all that time, has been a central figure in the life of The Valley.

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 23, 2014)

Let’s hope that Sheriff Tom Allman’s unopposed third term in office works better than the ballpoint pens he handed out at a fundraiser I attended. It was a very good event and clearly he is a very popular Sheriff, but everyone’s gift pen failed miserably.

Letters (Apr 23, 2014)

We are writing on behalf of three women, a mother and her two young adult daughters, to express our concerns about your deputies' mishandling of an attempted break-in in Point Arena on Friday, March 28, 2014.
