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Posts published in April 2014

At The Frontiers Of Sordid

Child molestation, traditionally, has been a male practice. But lately in pioneering Mendocino County, home of the world's best marijuana, women have moved into the first rank of chomos. Surprised? Neither am I. In this…

Off The Record (Apr 16, 2014)

ANOTHER MENDO COUNTY FIRST, this line from an obituary in Tuesday's Ukiah Daily Journal: "David enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren, listening to music and smoking doobies." CORRECTION: In Off The Record of March 19…

Valley People (Apr 16, 2014)

CAPTAIN RAINBOW and Yvonne Dunton were welcomed home Sunday with a party at The Captain's Redwood Ridge home. The couple, as locals know, managed to escape from Myanmar where they'd been threatened by a Buddhist…

Tan Bark

One of the old-time industries in Anderson Valley and the North Coast was peeling and shipping of tan bark. It was a big thing in its day and created a living for many people. The…

Robinson Crusoe Island

This April puts us five years short of the 300th anniversary of the publication of Robinson Crusoe. Daniel Defoe's popular novel about an island castaway is thought to have been inspired by the experiences of…
