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Posts published in “Day: April 10, 2014

Prison Tornadoes

We can't see the city of Decatur from inside this prison, but at 9:30pm, we hear the city's sirens wailing in the distance, alarms that signal the worst disasters: floods, fires, plagues of locusts, nuclear attacks, and, of course, tornadoes.

A Second Chance—25 Years Later

A “Second Chance,” after 25 years of absence and silence, was recently offered Shepherd by Assumpta. Her email arrived from Europe to his farm. We met in Barcelona in 1988 and have had no contact during the last quarter of a century. I answered her email within 15 minutes of its sending, without thinking, but with a deep feeling of connection.

Underlying Problem

I walk to town most every day rather than drive my truck for the same reason I decided in 1967 to create a life for myself independent of automobiles, something I’ve managed to do for most of the last forty-seven years.


On Thursday, February 14th— Valentine’s Day, about three weeks after my article, “El Úndecimo Mandamiento” appeared in The Anderson Valley Advertiser, Samantha called. It was…

Chunnel Of Love

Dear Dr. Zack, Please help me settle an argument with my girlfriend. We agree that the two sure signs of life are irritability and the…

Freedom On Facebook

“Writer’s block” - A euphemism for having nothing to say. It happens. But I was thinking about a piece on Freedom and Liberty, a couple…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, April 10, 2014

Museum Job Cuts;
Ukiah's Frequent Fliers;
Zelig Gets Jumped;
SF Deemed Least Country;
All is Truth;
Bitties with Lyme;
Reagan's Legacy;
Big Oil Rules;
Confronting the Navy;
Police Reports
