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Posts published in January 2014

Mendocino County Today: January 17, 2014

DEBBIE CLARK, long-time publisher of the Willits News, has announced she is retiring, one more sign that the chain-owned Mendo papers, all of them overseen out of Chico, will soon be down to even more…

Book Review by Anne Shirako

Should a grown man have a secret friendship with a young teen? In real life, of course, it’s dicey; but in this novel, it works. These two lost souls learn to trust each other, shyly share the memories of their beloved, and slowly begin the so very necessary healing of this broken family.

Aristo Fetishism In Downton Abbey

I’m sure we all have better things to do than watch that emotionally involving, spacey-fiction example of Disraeli-era “one nation” Tory-conservative spin, Downton Abbey.

Defending Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman's recent trip to North Korea with a team of retired NBA players to take part in an exhibition game was akin to John Lennon and Yoko Ono going to bed in public to…

Bird’s Eye View

Who is the moronic motorcyclist who insists on tearing along Hwy 128 at approximately 80mph just north of Boonville at various times during the week and on Sunday afternoons in particular? The noise of his engine as he roars into the distance is most unsettling as you anticipate a deafening screech and crash at any moment. Hopefully he doesn’t kill anyone and the worst that happens to him is that his bike is wrecked and he has to wear a neck brace for a few months.

Farm To Farm

Friday I emerged from bed a couple hours after noon, made a pot of tea and went out back to toss a loaf of cheap ass white bread to the five hens and one cock…

Down The NSA Rabbit Hole

What does spending $100 billion over the last ten years get you? It gets one huge, bloated, ineffectual agency of government — the NSA (National Security Agency). While the actual budget of this spy apparatus…
