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Posts published in January 2014

Mendo’s Black Mesa Caravan

I was among five people from inland Mendocino County who stayed with elder Dine' (Navajo) families at Black Mesa, an uplands mountain plateau on Navajo/Hopi reservation land in the high, frigid (especially at this time of year) northeastern Arizona desert. This expansive area, roughly sixty miles in diameter, has sustained continuous human occupation for thousands of years.

Letters (Jan 1, 2014)

The Medical Marijuana Patients Union has been picking up other people's garbage on California highways for 10+ years. We presently have two sites, one on 128 from Philo to the outskirts of Boonville & the second on Highway 101 north of Cloverdale at the Sonoma/Mendo County line.


We are currently in the midst of a local drought that coincides with a state drought that coincides with a regional drought that coincides with the global climate change crisis that more and more scientists believe is now irreversible

Christmas In Myanmar

Finally sitting in our new home in Sittwe, Myanmar, listening to the many sounds of the evening, monks chanting, students reciting homework and of course the blow-up bouncy castle in our neighbor’s yard blasting bouncy Myanmar hip-hop to attract the kids.

Mendocino County Today: January 1, 2014

THE ROACH CLIP — In 2003 the Pride of Tacoma Press published a limited edition (150 copies) of a piece written by Charles Willeford in…

The Best & The Worst Of Mendocino County, 2013

ABSENTEE OF THE YEAR: Winter. Where did it go? 2013 was the driest year in Mendocino County ever. MIA OF THE YEAR. Mendocino County District…

Courthouse Review, 2013

When I returned from a sabbatical to the north last January, I was astounded to find that the local media was completely ignoring the murder trial of Glen Hughes.

Affinito Denied; Ortner’s Mendo Man

A week before Christmas the Fort Bragg Planning Commission denied Robert Affinito a use permit to convert his property at the corner of Franklin and…
