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Posts published in January 2014

Mendocino County Today: January 13, 2014

WE IMMEDIATELY THOUGHT of the Willits Bypass when reading the recent news that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s staff created a bottleneck on the George Washington Bridge for several days on the false pretense that…

Mendocino County Today: January 12, 2014

ABOUT AN HOUR of rain fell on Mendocino County Saturday morning, just enough to sweeten the air and whet our thirst for more, much more. If we got a quarter inch we'd be surprised. By…

Mendocino County Today: January 11, 2014

THE COUNTY has established a hurry-up "drought hotline" at 463-4589. The idea is that County residents will provide status reports on their individual water situations so the County can get a clear idea of what…

Mendocino County Today: January 10, 2014

WILLITS POISED TO DECLARE DROUGHT EMERGENCY by Linda Williams The city has about 100 days of water in its reservoir and January is projected to be drier than normal. The Willits City Council is expected…

How Sutter Health Is Increasing Your Healthcare Costs

Many people have been asking about Sutter Health's plans for the communities of Crescent City, CA and Brookings, OR, now that the Sutter Coast Hospital ("SCH") Board in Crescent City has voted to downsize the only hospital in our region to a Critical Access facility in order to qualify for higher Medicare payments.

Putting Food By

Last autumn, I received permission to harvest apples from our neighbor’s tree. I had no idea what variety they were; they looked a bit like Gravensteins, but ripened later and were not very good eaten…

January Local Food News

AV Foodshed Group continues to present the Boonville Winter Market through the end of April. This is our third year in front of Boonville General Store on Saturdays, 11am-1pm, rain or shine.
