THE TREE CONSPIRACY Editor, Regarding a couple of recent stories in the Journal; I drove down Mill Street today and took a look at those redwood trees in front of the Journal's building, in the…
Posts published in December 2013
BRIAN BLUMBURG, a long-time resident of Anderson Valley, died of a heart attack yesterday (Wednesday) at his home in Navarro. An unfailingly genial man, Brian was best known as the highly skilled proprietor of Anderson…
THE CITY OF WILLITS is talking about water rationing. The failure of winter rains to appear is beginning to worry everyone from firefighters to water bureaucrats. A big fire is burning in Big Sur. It's…
EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called marijuana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…
EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called marijuana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…
Alexander Cockburn, who died of cancer at the age of 71 on July 21, 2012, was a prose powerhouse who left an admirable body of great columns about all manner of matters political and cultural.…
Walter K. ‘Kris’ Miller took the witness stand to try and convince his jury not to send him to prison for the rest of his life. He’s a two-striker looking at a 100-mile an hour fastball of a third strike.