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Posts published in November 2013

Mendocino County Today: November 13, 2013

IT'S THE THIRD anniversary of Susan Keegan's murder. Her husband, Dr. Peter Keegan, says his wife of 30 years died, drunk and stoned, in a bathroom fall. That's possible, one has to suppose, but Mrs. Keegan's death certificate says “Homicide,” not “Accidental.” Mrs. Keegan's death certificate says “Homicide” because, obviously, the only other person home at the time, her husband, bludgeoned her to death.

In Judge Brennan’s Courtroom

When Fort Bragg Police Chief Scott Mayberry comes to the Ten Mile Court and stays for over an hour and his name isn’t on any…

Sports Notes

I was out of the Valley two Saturdays ago when our AV Panthers Varsity football team defeated the visiting Laytonville Warriors, 62-16. The varsity Panthers…

Panther Soccer 2013

The postseason for the High School Boys’ Soccer Play-Offs saw AV begin with a home quarter-final match at Tom Smith Field against South Fork, who…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. But only to tell you that I am sort of taking the…

Ambling Towards Oblivion

What interested me more than Russell Brand's essay itself was the backlash that Brand and people on the Left who support his political stance received from elite Academic Leftists and insulated politically correct Secular Leftists.

Slaves Of Fruit

This has been a stupendous year for pears and apples in Mendocino, and though apples may retain their perfection for weeks and even months after picking, pears are perfectly ripe for but a fleeting — a few days at best — before they devolve into inedible rot.

That Day, Again

Everyone will be talking about where everyone was that day. Except that “everyone” in this country now means fewer than one in four people —…
