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Posts published in “Day: August 20, 2013

Mendocino County Today: August 21, 2013

THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVSORS met in Fort Bragg last Tuesday to hear an appeal of a State Parks proposal to remove the remnants of…

Officer, There’s A Man In My Underwear Drawer

Attorney General Eric Holder was just in San Francisco to address the American Bar Association. He told the lawyers that he wanted federal prosecutors to…

River Views

Australians call them muttonshells, but we say abalone; the term deriving from the Spanish abulón. However you say it, the flesh of the abalone is…

Going To Humboldt

One of my big regrets about the Potatomen — yes, I’ve had a few — was that we never finished a song we started back…

Sanjay Gupta’s Mea Culpa

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon and medical advisor to the masses, doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of history. On August 11 Gupta narrated…

Still Moving

Originally published thirty-five years ago, my first novel has been out-of-print for thirty-two years, and this wholly unexpected revival has inspired in me myriad dreams and memories, some of which I hope to share with whoever shows up to listen.


We are in the “heart” of one of California’s largest cities. Our public library based, four-day a week free lunch program for kids has been going since mid-June, one of nine such programs this summer. 8,500 meals will have been served city-wide by the time the program prematurely ends, an awkward two weeks before school begins in late August.

How Good It Is, Lemons’ Market

Lemons’ Market, nestled in the small burg of Philo just five miles north of Boonville, has been a mainstay in Anderson Valley for 40 years…

The Wounded Gull

Our boat was tied up to the commercial dock at Half Moon Bay where I sat on the engine room hatch-cover tying trolling-gear. Looking up…

Berry Picking

There’s nothing like indulging in the late summer pastime of roadside berry picking to renew your appreciation for the free bounty of edibles Mother Nature…
