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Posts published in June 2013

Small Scale House Building

Old-timers remember Malvina Reynolds's satiric song, "Little Boxes." Penned in 1962, the song heralded the coming suburban blight, where poorly constructed houses "were made of ticky-tacky and they all looked the same." How times change.…

Mendocino County Today: June 11, 2013

COMING FROM the incoherent country of America where town and country have become inseparable, the towns slurbing every which way, Scotland is a revelation. Town is town, country is country, and town ends and country…

Mendocino County Today: June 10, 2013

A DRAMATIC AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REACHED between the Coast Hospital Employees Union and Coast Hospital which is estimated to save the Hospital $1.85 million. The agreement which was approved by almost 90% of the Hospital’s…

Mendocino County Today: June 9, 2013

LATE FRIDAY the Highway Patrol released the name of the young man who stole the car of a Coast volunteer firefighter on Wednesday and then lead a parade of cops and firefighters on an exciting…

Mendocino County Today: June 8, 2013

(CORRECTED ITEM) RAUL MALFAVON, 23, of Ray's Road, Philo, was found dead Thursday morning about 6. Malfavon, an unmarried single man with a girlfriend, is assumed to have hanged himself. ======================================================== IT WAS HOT, DRY,…

Mendocino County Today: June 7, 2013

(CORRECTED ITEM) RAUL MALFAVON, 23, of Ray's Road, Philo, was found dead Thursday morning about 6. Malfavon, an unmarried single man with a girlfriend, is assumed to have hanged himself. ======================================================== UNCONFIRMED, but it seems…

Letters To The Editor

TOTAL REPEAL Editor, Re: Jeff Costello’s April 18 piece, “The Crackpot Files” — Ahh, another appreciator of Thomas Szasz! Yes, he talked to a friend of mine who asked “what should we do about drugs…
