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Posts published in “Day: April 24, 2013

Mendocino County Today: April 25, 2013

SINCE KZYX IS NPR, standards of local/community broadcasting cannot be applied, and I'm afraid you're languishing in the past to think otherwise. NPR is akin…

Off The Record

CRAWDAD NELSON WRITES: “I understand how easy it is to want to do something violent to an unknown perpetrator; I also get how easy it…

Valley People

DANNY AND GINGER JOHNSTON have raised three, smart, well-behaved, ambitious boys, the kind of youngsters any school district would be delighted to have in their…

Letters To The Editor

ENTITLEMENT TANKS In response to Ms. Cooney's gripping drama That Kemgas allegedly inflected her with such trauma   So as not to burden you busy…

Apotcalypse Now

On April 20th each year, San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district and Golden Gate Park are arguably our beleaguered planet's ground zero for what is loosely referred…

Critical Care For Ambulances?

The Anderson Valley Ambulance Service is a local, non-profit service staffed by volunteer EMTs, providing medical transport to Valley residents for the past 50 years…

Mendocino County Today: April 24, 2013

SHEILA DAWN TRACY reports on KZYX for the AVA. KZYX, for those of you who don't know and are probably better off not knowing, is…


Speaking of speculators and the Greeks, hundreds of thousands of the most highly educated and technologically skillful people in Greece have fled that country in the last two years, and more are leaving every day. Why? Because the austerity programs imposed by the European Union in response to Greece’s speculator-caused debt crisis have created such a severe economic depression that there is little hope of an economic recovery in Greece for many years to come. Greece only has ten million people, yet in the face of this massive brain drain and the elimination of tens of thousands of public sector jobs, the European Union has just decreed that Greece must amplify her austerity campaign and get rid of tens of thousands more public sector jobs.

Songs Of Tax Resistance

A handful of tax resisters lingered outside of the post office in downtown Ithaca on Monday into the early evening when I walked by, my…

Top 9 Adventure Travel Hoaxes

Traveling may be thrilling, exhausting, dangerous, mind-opening and, occasionally, boring. But more than anything else, going to faraway places is easier talked about than done.…

Obamacare Baffles Mendo

On Monday, April 8, the Mendocino Board of Supervisors listened to two and a half excruciating hours of impenetrable insurance jargon. If you're inclined to…
