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Posts published in December 2012

Mendocino County Today: December 5, 2012

THE MENDO SUPES issued the following statement Tuesday: “Federal authorities have subpoenaed information related to Mendocino County Code Chapter 9.31 but have not disclosed their…

Taking More Control Of Your Final Days

One of the sick ironies of “pro-life” activism opposing abortion and euthanasia is that, if such self-identified advocates are successful in obtaining their goals, not…

That Bond Sound

While the greatest musical dynasties ruled over vast empires of the imagination, their geographic domains were small. The Couperins held the organist post at the…

The Plight Of The Beautiful Tree

The Kashia Pomo of northwestern Sonoma and southwestern Mendocino Counties refer to it as “Chishkale,” meaning “beautiful tree.” Northern California pioneers selected their name for…

Scotia, 1957

In 1863 two far-sighted men, A.W. McPherson and Henry Wetherby, purchased 6,000 acres of timberland lying along the banks of the Eel River in Humboldt…

Old Apache Trail

To the east of the Phoenix megalopolis runs the Old Apache Trail, which starts out harmlessly enough as Highway 87. As you wind your way…

That’s All For Now

Dear Readers: To cut to the quick — whilst I have thoroughly enjoy conducting these interviews over the past four years, it is a commitment…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. December birthdays include distinguished Valley folks such as — Bill Holcomb, Wilma…

Deer Hunting In Sherwood Valley

Many years ago I was hunting in the Sherwood Valley area with a friend from Fort Bragg. We started early in the morning and had…
