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Posts published in August 2012

Mendocino County Today: August 23, 2012

SOURCES in the Mendocino County Public Attorney's Association (MCPAA) confirm that our legal eagles have reached agreement with the County to scale back the current…

Letters To The Editor

COMMUNICATING WITH PARKS Ms. Janelle Beland (Acting Director of State Parks), Over the last ten months, I have written and published 13 in-depth articles on…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. No doubt the roadwork on Highway 128 between Boonville and Con Creek…

Answer The Phone!

Over the years, I've spotlighted America's telephone system as the single best example of the diminishing returns of technology in everyday life. This sort of…

101 South: A 50-Degree Drop

It was way over 100°F up in Southern Humboldt. Too hot for most any reasonable human, let alone a furry black dog, so we soaked…

River Views

In the 1920s the Albion Lumber Company hired one of the first college educated foresters. On his initial day on the job he rode the…

The Dirtiest Beach In California

I just cashed in 30 pounds of beer bottles, three pounds of aluminum — mostly beer cans — and about three pounds of plastic, nearly…

Helen Gurley Brown

Why am I writing about Helen Gurley Brown, famed editor of Cosmopolitan magazine and a champion of sexual freedom or a promoter of sexual enslavement, depending on your particular socio-political orientation? Well, because Helen Gurley Brown just died at the age of ninety, and though many people consider her a traitor to feminism, and many others see her as a pioneering feminist and social revolutionary, Helen was one of the very few magazine editors in America in the 1970’s and 80’s who would publish my short stories about the challenges facing men and women in the chaos of sexual and social change that arrived with the birth control pill and the dawn of the feminist epoch; thus I have no doubt about where I stand regarding Ms. Brown’s place in the history of psycho-sexual discourse.
