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Posts published in June 2012

Now We Are Six

Now We Are Six When I was one, I had just begun. When I was two, I was nearly new. When I was three, I was hardly me. When I was four, I was not…

Mendocino County Today: June 16, 2012

2011’S SCHOOL RANKINGS ARE OUT. According to the state's Academic Performance Index testing program here's how Mendocino County's schools are doing. “THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDEX is a key component of California's school accountability system. The…

Mendocino County Today: June 15, 2012

TOP TWO in California Primaries, June 2012: By the Numbers; High Rates of Invalid Ballots; Perverse Outcomes; Major Parties Dominate. Washington, DC, 6/13/2012 — On June 5, California held its first “top two” primary in…

Letters To The Editor

21ST CENTURY THALIDOMIDE Editor, A friend is dying of brain cancer and an unusual spinal cancer. He has been a cell-home-roam phone user on a big scale. In her path to combat this nasty impact,…

Mendocino County Today: June 14, 2012

ON TUESDAY (June 12), The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the fiscal year 2012-2013 budget recommendations as calculated by CEO Carmel Angelo and staff. The recommended budget will come back for approval in…

Mendocino County Today: June 13, 2012

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VOTED UNANIMOUSLY Monday to partially “de-Teeter” the Brooktrails Community Services District. The County will no longer pay to Brooktrails the assessments for sewer, water, and fire, which amount to $120 per…

Two Down, Two To Go

Paul Sequiera earned his Mendo stripes last Friday. He already had lots of stripes from his years as a Contra Costa County prosecutor, but as chief prosecutor here in Mendo, it took Sequiera a year…
