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Posts published in “Day: April 5, 2012

Mendocino County Today: April 6, 2012

CALTRANS has been ordered by a federal judge to correct the most important parts of its carelessly drafted environmental analysis that would widen and realign…

Letters To The Editor

CHRIS DIAZ UPDATE Texas marijuana defendant, Chris Diaz, age 22, in poor health from advanced asthma most of his young life, is a legitimate medical…

Indian Creek Library

As I drive into Anderson Valley on Highway 128 for my occasional visits, I see mental snapshots taken during my childhood in the late 1950s…

Two Cheers For ‘Obamacare’

There's an old sad joke in health policy circles: A bigshot policy wonk, who worked his life away trying to get a good universal health…

Mendocino County Today: April 5, 2012

GIVEN THE CHOICE, I'd prefer the real Stalinism over the hippie version prevalent on the Northcoast, no better example of which was Monday night's Women's…

How Bad Is Mendo’s Foreclosure Problem?

"Last year 68% of the real estate sales in the County were depressed properties. Real estate values have dropped from a mean of $400k in 2007 to under $200k in 2012, and this is of course compounded by the effects of foreclosures on surrounding property values."

River Views

The Macdonald ranch, totaling about 180 acres, is surrounded on the east, south and west by Mendocino Redwood Company timberland. Mendocino Redwood Co. owns close…

Hug A Kid, Go To Jail

So, this guy gives a kid a hug in a Ukiah laundromat and real fast he's a certified cho-mo. “Oh, come on,” you say. “There’s…

Pete Seeger’s Contributions

Pete Seeger may well be the very essence of the earnest, self-serious folk singer. He seems to have built the mold. After a half-century of harassment by everyone from the local KKK in the small Hudson River Valley town where he lives to the House Un-American Activities Commission in the 50s, to J. Edgar Hoover himself, you could say Seeger has a right to be serious.
