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Posts published in “Day: March 28, 2012

Mendocino County Today: March 29, 2012

IF IT RAINS hard for 8 or more hours solid, as it did Tuesday, 128 at Navarro will be closed at Flynn Creek. Sure ‘nuff.…

Letters To The Editor

BOONVILLE HOMEBOY Dear Editor, I want to thank the good home town newspaper of Boonville for keeping me informed on what is going on around…

The Myth Of The ‘Knowledge Economy’

“In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a first-class education,” President Obama famously declared in his 2010 State of the Union Address,…

Farm To Farm

Sunday afternoon I contemplated doing something productive, but decided against. Carrot sprouts are slowly emerging in the sand that is still moist after recent rains.…

The Copper Of Fish Rock Road

“I got sick to death of this five years ago. We live in the state that invented what the Internet is all about — Google,…

Tin Cup Politics & Park Closures

On Tuesday, March 20, I was given a lesson in just how broken the people’s business is in Sacramento. Along with 180 other participants to…

She Said, She Said

Richard Kruse was found guilty of child molestation last Tuesday night after nearly two years of his inevitable conviction. It’s been over four years since…

River Views

It’s hard to believe that Vern Piver is gone, especially with baseball season coming on. He was one of the last links to a now…

A Scientific Hero’s Legacy

When I was a kid in Southern California back in the 1970s, I had a pal up the street whose dad taught chemistry at the…
