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Posts published in February 2012

Mendocino County Today: February 25, 2012

ANDERSON VALLEY is in line for a long-overdue accessible recycling operation, now that Jerry Ward’s Solid Waste of Willits operation plans to open one at…

Mendocino County Today: February 24, 2012

MENDOCINO COUNTY DA David Eyster recently dispatched his ace prosecutor, Paul Sequiera, to Mule Creek State Prison for a parole hearing, Mark Sprinkle's parole hearing.…

Mendocino County Today: February 23, 2012

SAVE HENDY WOODS! State Senator Noreen Evans has gotten the California Department of Parks and Recreation to convene public workshops across the state to find…

Letters To The Editor

FLYING CLOUD Editor, Re: “Let Them Eat Yachts” — That’s a great story, just a few personal details and some historical trivia to add. I…

Hypocrisy & Syria

Few spectacles have been more surreal than senior US officials — starting with the President, the Secretary of State and the US ambassador to the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. ‘Shine’ Tuttle, at 96, was the Valley's oldest resident at the time…

Climate Science: Calling Out The Cranks

A striking letter just appeared in the Wall Street Journal signed by 38 leading climate scientists from around the world. They strongly protested a previous…

Martin Murie

Martin Murie died Jan. 28 after a brief illness. Biologist, teacher, writer, and ranter, Martin called himself a “varmentalist.” He was an activist for nature…

A Travesty Of A Mockery Of A Sham

The United States government's “compensation” to American Indians for past and present injustices typically amounts to what Groucho Marx called “a travesty of a mockery…
