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Posts published in January 2012

Fort Bragg’s Dominant Female

Last January, Fort Bragg residents were horrified at the spectacle of two young women, one with a chain, one with a hatchet, fighting gladiator-style at…

Valley People

THERE WAS A SCHOOL BOARD meeting last night but your beloved community newspaper, as per ancient custom, wasn't informed. We need 'em a week early…

Off The Record

THE AVA SUFFERED a major fubar last week when at least faulty 300 papers were distributed. If you got one with duplicate pages, please call…

Today in Mendocino County: January 18, 2012

SUPERVISOR MCCOWEN has been elected Board chairman, Supervisor Hamburg, vice chair at the Board's first meeting of the year last week. The vote was a unanimous 5-0. …

Today In Mendocino: January 17, 2012

QUIET news day in Mendocino County, with the 20 degree cold snap being the primary conversation starter with the 49er's stunning victory over the New…

You Read It Here First, Monday 16 January

Welcome to Mendocino County Today, a new AVA blog. From this morning forward, in this space, we'll be posting daily bulletins on breaking stories specific to or affecting Mendocino County.

Letters To The Editor

POLITICAL MATH Dear Bruce, In these tremulous times it is difficult to see the whole picture. We are bombarded with information adnauseam, most of which…

T-ball and MLK

I just signed the little man up for T-ball. I am going to be a T-ball mom. How radical is that? Yes, well it is…

The Deranged Chorus

A Catholic former US senator from Pennsylvania once rated the dumbest man in the US Congress crested Tuesday night in Iowa’s see-saw battle among candidates…
