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Posts published in November 2011

The Occupy Mendo Food Project

On the night and early morning of October 16th  to 17th, the San Francisco Police Department raided the Occupy San Francisco encampment at Justin Herman…

If A Park Falls: Hendy Woods

This past week, NBC News showed a video of a 300 foot tall, 1500 year old Sequoia falling to earth in the Sequoia National Forest.…

Off The Record

This Week: Fox News intellectuals, attack! County worker negotiations, continued! Local paranoids, stand down! and much more

Amsterdam Holiday, Part 6

Maybe the weed is stronger here, but I was getting down on myself a lot today, wondering if I appeared as criminally suspect as my…

Letters To The Editor

GRANGE REPORT Editor, I was off a couple weekends back attending the Grangers State Convention at the Palermo Grange just outside of Oroville. Four days…

Farm To Farm

Let my faithful blue heeler bitch, Lupe, spend the night in the house on Friday night, since son was spending the weekend at a friend's…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. As Election Day approaches, I’m sure most of you are aware that…

At Crown Hall, My First Rap Concert

Halloween didn’t officially begin for me at Saturday night’s rap concert at Mendocino’s Crown Hall. It more or less kicked off at the Laundromat in…

Green, Cheap, Now

Paul Fenn, founder of Local Power Inc., talks about the campaign to bring low-carbon energy to Sonoma County.
