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Posts published in September 2011

The Great Thirst & The North Coast

Capital is mired in its greatest slump since the 1930s. The ecological fabric that sustains life throughout much of the world is being brutally eradicated;…

Mendo’s Backward Energy Plan

Mendocino County has a plan for how it will power its communities and economy far into the future. It's written into several chapters of the…

Off The Record

AARON BASSLER'S despairing father isn't alone in his laments at the absence of effective mental health services. In Mendocino County those services, as they affect…

Anarchist Chess

It's Paul Bunyan Days here in Fort Bragg. After a little grocery shopping for tomorrow's family brunch, we walked down town. The Classic Car Show…

Memo Of The Week

August 16, 2011 To: Mr. Marc [sic] Scaramella Re: Citizens Advisory Committee on Redistricting Dear Mr. Scaramella: On behalf of the Mendocino County Board of…

Letters To The Editor

Norman Solomon’s strong voice — for promotion of a Green New Deal and against big money’s takeover of government — is also an invitation to…

The Real Obama

The White House that shook in last Tuesday’s earth­quake has been home to its present incumbent for 32 months. Obama wasn’t around to watch the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Labor Day weekend is virtually upon us and while it’s not the…
