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Posts published in September 2011

The Wasteland

Across two evenings this week, we’ve been offered America’s future in a couple of visions. Neither of them offered the prime vitamin of bearable politics,…

Letters To The Editor

RAILS & TRAILS Editor, Do you wish there were more safe places to walk and roll in your community? Share your vision for a trail…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 9

Everything did change, not all at once, not in an obvious, visible way, at least at first, but the wheels were already in motion. Life…

Panthers Maul Wildcats

Following two fine performances to start the season against Drew (SF) and Cloverdale, both 3-0 victories, it was time to start league play and the team traveled down to Geyserville on a very hot afternoon to play the Broncos, a team that has fallen on hard times in recent seasons, not helped by the fact that they have the smallest school in the league.

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Just the one Public Service Announcement this week. The Mendocino County Fair…

Farm To Farm

A week of unseasonably cool weather reminiscent of summer days on the Mendo coast blasted through southern Indiana at twenty miles an hour out of…

I’m My Own Scab

The leaders of the biggest, baddest and toughest union anywhere around have told its workers to go ahead, take a walkout. Walk away from your…
