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Posts published in “Day: August 25, 2011

Letters To The Editor

McCOWEN’S DISPENSARY FEES Editor, Supposing Supervisor John McCowen will take a hard line on dispensaries will entirely depend on how many fees McCowen can impose.…

Hope For The Addicted

Editor, I'm writing to say thank you for all you've done for me and the others who benefit from your terrific newspaper. I'm also writing…

HumCo Preps For Prisoner Influx

The county is preparing to absorb incarceration of some of the felons now sent to state prisons and will launch programs that replace jail sentences…

Covelo Gravel Project Withdrawn

I spent last week compiling, organizing, and confirming the horde of information regarding the advent of the Grist Creek Aggregates proposed gravel mine in Covelo…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Coming up on the ballot in November will be the election of…

Farm To Farm

Grandpa and Grandma stopped by our little homestead, rolled up the driveway in their luxury sedan, all spiffed up in Sunday duds to offer my…


“Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting what you are doing. This is the ultimate.” — Zhuangzi…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 17

My attorney finally showed up and filled me in on what was going on. The feds had convened a grand jury to hammer my old…
