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Posts published in June 2011

Brave New World/1984 — The Sequel

In the drugstore today I noticed a new (to me at least) product. I had to look twice, but the second look con-firmed what it…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Newsflash!!! Tonight, June 1st at 7pm, at the Apple Hall in Boonville,…

Virtual Graffiti: You #%@#$&!!

Mindless yelling at one another is not new, nor is anti-intellectualism, but they do seem to be more ubiquitous nowadays.

Denial Ain’t Just A River

All a person really has to do is to listen closely to the lyrics to America the Beautiful, as my i-Pod lets me do here,…

What We Do

The first few times I finished writing a novel (each book representing two or three years work), I was gripped by the same terrible fear that I might die before I could make copies of the books and send them out into the world.

Salmon & Water Wars

San Joaquin Valley irrigation districts, which filed a lawsuit this month to stop California's commercial salmon fishing season just five days after it began, say…

Memos Of The Week

Dear Deputy Walker: NOTICE OF LAYOFF — Due to continued funding problems, on May 24, 2011, the Board of Supervisors authorized the elimination of six…

Letters To The Editor

HE’S NOT A CREEP To Whom It May Concern, My name is Tanner Furia-Miller. I have been on the 101 Kids Water Ski Club since…
