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Posts published in May 2011

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 2

Your life story would not make a good book. So don't even try. — Fran Lebowitz The whole time I was growing up, I never…

Planet Clarion Calling

Americans were offered closure Wednesday to one of among the multifarious strands of our national dementias. It took the drab guise of the “long-form” birth…

Letters To The Editor

COVELO OPEN PIT MINE Letter to the Editor On April 21, 2011 over fifty Round Valley residents made the trek down to Ukiah to appear…

Princess Margaret’s Knee

The royal razzmatazz over Will and Kate is temporarily over, which I hope gives the loving, handsome couple some breathing space before the Palace's formidably…

Farm To Farm

All those years in Boonville I pined for the excitement of the April storms in these here Kentuckiana hills. It's an annual reenactment of the…

49ers & The NFL Draft

The way I saw the NFL draft coming down for the SF 49ers was drafting Blaine Gabbert out of Missouri at #7 spot in the…

Pinoleville, Part 1

My maternal Great-Grandparents, Arthur and Elsie Allen lived at the top of the hill on the southeast point of Pinoleville Rancheria for many decades. I…

Post Office Football

Though it may at first seem a stretch to compare the struggle to save the historic Ukiah Post Office with the current labor dispute between National Football League owners and the NFL players’ union, similarities abound.
