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Posts published in March 2011

Letters To The Editor

DESERVING SWILL BUCKETS Editor, In my opinion, the Supes got it right, voting 5/0 to keep re-investing about $300K a year from Transient Occupancy Tax…

Nuclear Chickens

Less than a decade after the United States visited a nuclear iki-jigoku (“hell on earth”) upon the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, instantaneously killing at…

The People vs. Mark Wuerful, Esq

This one goes back deep into former DA Meredith Lintott's raggedy regime, an age-dated pot case that began with a big bang of a bust…

Off The Record

TO READ THE MENDO listserves one might think a radioactive cloud was already half way from Japan to Albion and Greenfield Ranch. It's probably that…

Valley People

THE LONG ANTICIPATED opening of Buckhorn, Boonville, occurs Wednesday night with "a soft opening," meaning a kind of trial run for invited guests. Then, the…

Hillary Clinton: “We’re Losing The War”

None other than the US Secretary of State herself, Hillary Clinton, paid fulsome tribute to Al Jazeera last Wednesday, March 2. Appearing before a US…

Very Questionable Food

My earliest memory is a hazy but lasting one. I was around five years old at most, with my father, fishing on the beach where…

Myth & History

Historical facts. Hmm. When I was attending UC Santa Cruz in the late 1960’s (and I really did do that) Norman O. Brown came to teach at our newborn college. His course Myth & History was open to undergrads, so I signed up to hear what the famous man had to say.
