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Posts published in “Day: March 4, 2011

Letters To The Editor

RECRUITING THE DEAD TO WAGE PEACE Editor: They repose in a verdant park with manicured lawns, bright flowers and splashing fountains near Romaone-sous-Montfaucon, France. They…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Lets’ start off with my current favorite topic: Egg News. I find…

Prison Poetry

Editor, Dateline San Quentin State prison, South block, Alpine section, entry 2: Play now, Pay later. Picking up the pieces one day at a time.…

Dreaming Of Brautigan

The seventh-grade classroom fell silent, before I noticed it and then it was too late; the teacher was standing over me and all the other…


Everybody has their horror story about unions. “Of course, he's union, so you can't get rid of him,” is the usual punch line after a…

Farm To Farm

When my teenage son and I bounced from Boonville in the middle of January we were merely embarking on a visiting mission — a vacation,…

In Defense Of Christina Aguilera

Few things are more entertaining than defenses of the indefensible, as was proven by the charge of the lite brigade into the blathersphere earlier this…
