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Posts published in “Day: February 2, 2011

President Gasbag

After watching President Obama’s state of the union, plus the first Republican response to it by Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, and the second response…

No Smarts for Mendo

Besides the potential health affects cited by Antonia Lamb and the other "electrosensitives" at last week's Supervisors meeting, serious questions about smart meters remain.

Off the Record

A caller asked, "So what happened to your beef with Supervisor Smith?" It wasn't my beef with Smith, it was everyone's beef.

Valley People

MEET THE SHERIFF. Miriam Martinez reminds us, “The public is invited to a free open forum featuring Sheriff Tom Allman as our special guest speaker.…

Judge Henderson: Master of Suspense

When last we saw Eldon Hogan he was on his way to San Quentin. Eldon was only going for a visit, an evaluation to see…
