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Posts published in November 2010

Treasure Hunt

When hand-held global positioning systems were first released to the general public, nobody but sailors knew quite what to do with the amazing new appliances. Sailors used them to find their exact positions at sea,…

Sheriff’s Log

11/7 12:45am A passerby said he'd seen a bloodied man standing on 128 near Navarro. When an officer arrived to check the man out there was indeed a 36 year old man standing by the…

Valley People

CARROLL PRATT has died. Two weeks ago, the popular Philo man fell at home, badly injuring himself. He passed away in his sleep last Thursday afternoon at Memorial Hospital in Santa Rosa. A memorial service…

Off the Record

YES, THE AVA was delayed again last week. Our Boonville Postmistress called the mammoth Petaluma distribution center late Friday afternoon to find out why they hadn't arrived anywhere. "Oh, yes, the Boonville papers are still…

A Very Bitter Woman

Americans keep odd things up on the mantelpiece, or in the fridge: Dad’s ashes in a biscuit tin or, in Barbara Bush’s case, as her eldest son has just disclosed on national tv, the foetus…

Speaking Boontling At Dick’s

A few weeks ago Bruce Anderson wrote “A Breath­less Look Back at the San Francisco Giants” — a mini-history from when they arrived at Babylon by the Bay to 2010 World Series big dogs. You…

Letters to the Editor

HATCHETMANIA Letter to the Editor; Carmel Angelo the Hannibal Lector of fiscal manage­ment! And the poor bastard Tom Allman the Sheriff. It is like telling somebody “I want you to build me a house, but…
