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Posts published in “Day: September 9, 2010

Taking It To The Streets

Local judges are all getting a paid holiday for Labor Day, but the clerks and court reporters are not.

Besieged In Elk

Question: does the desire to save the planet, protect pollywogs, make us carbon happy, and provide for a structure-free coastal viewshed exempt us from evil?

Off the Record

This Week: Lisa's sulcatas, Measure C, privatizing Mendo's trash and much more...

Valley People

RECENT TIMES have found Anderson Valley teams “the team to beat” as our record of wins grows. This past week our Boys Soccer team beat…

Margie Handley’s Neighborhood

Marge Handley, the prominent Willits heiress and Republican philanthropist, owns a modest new home in a struggling subdivision off East Hill Road in South Willits…
