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Posts published in “Day: September 2, 2010

Supervisor Kendall Smith Trashes Herself

Ordinarily, when dumb exchanges between public officials occur at public meetings, it's just dumb, and maybe somewhat revealing about the public officials involved. But at…

Who Really Rules Mendo Wine Country?

Most vineyard acreage in the region is ruled by a small collection of massive multi-national corporate conglomerates, which typically boast annual revenues greater than a billion dollars. Yes, that's billion with a “B.”

Off the Record

SHERIFF TOM ALLMAN has endorsed Wendy Roberts for 5th District Supervisor.

Valley People

LOOKS like the Philo Mill may be gearing up to mill again if the replenished log deck at the mill is any indication. Timber provided…

Linda Thompson’s Dump Truck

The prosecution didn’t have much of a case against him, but Timothy S. 'Coke’ Elliott, 38, was found guilty of Second Degree Murder last week…

Will Lisa Get Her Sulcatas Back?

Lisa Chiapero and Mike Moilanen recently drove from Fort Bragg to Ukiah to visit their close friends Lucy, Pedro and Low Boy, a trio of…
