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Posts published in July 2010

Ergo Ego

One of my favorite stories about my ego takes place on my 40th birthday, October 17, 1989. I am riding my bicycle down L Street…

A Halibut Free-For-All

With the collapse of the West Coast’s salmon fishery, thousands of anglers have turned their attentions toward other more readily available species of fish, like…

Anna & The Glass Ceiling

When it comes to the commemoration of dead musi­cians, few women enjoy even a moment in the posthu­mous spotlight. They were rarely given the chance…

A Hot Time In The Deep South

As our tour group of 40 history teachers marched deep into Dixie, the temperature rose above 105°. It was a relief to spend time in…

The 4th of July

The 4th of July parade in Mendocino.  If you've never been, you should check it out.  It's like no other 4th of July parade. The…

Mendo’s Thorny Law Enforcement Negotiations

All eight of Mendocino County's "bargaining units" are up for negotiation this year. The "Department Head" bargaining unit, an oxymoronic joke anywhere but Mendocino County,…
