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Posts published in July 2010

They Got Teddy! Drop the Bong!

The news took less time to filter through the crowd of over 500 than the spark from a spliff filled with Bell Springs Blue Dream…

Letters to the Editor

SOMETHING SHE SAID? Dear Editor, What I don't understand about the “Scourging of Helen Thomas” is why no one mentions freedom of speech. Isn't this…

Farm To Farm

The hay harvest this season was too late and frantic thanks to the abundant rains. It caught me with my pants down, as they say.…

Unjustified, Indefensible, Wrong

My sister Allison Krause was one of four students killed in the 1970 Kent State shootings. You may have heard about that day in American…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Let’s get straight on to the Public Service Announcements and that way if…

Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain just east of Atlanta, Georgia is an enormous granite dome, five miles around at the base, circled by sheer gray cliffs which rise…
