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Posts published in May 2010

3-D glasses are totally hip.

Friday was a long day peppered frequently with “Is it 4 yet?”  I had made the mistake the day before of telling him that at 4 o’clock tomorrow, “We are going to go see the…

Election Picks

The AVA guide to the June 8 primary.

Joshua Tree

At some point in the winter I started having fantasies about dragging some friends to Joshua Tree to see the desert in bloom and do some rock climbing.  I had climbed in gyms previously and…

Valley People

LEE REYNOLDS was found dead last week in her room at the Brookside Convalescent Hospital, Ukiah. Lee was a pioneer property owner at the Holmes Ranch and well known inside and outside the Ander­son Valley…

Closet Politics

Sexual politics command passions in American political life far more powerful than those currently focused on Wall Street bankers or on BP. By conven­tional measures Elena Kagan should sail through her nomination by President Obama…

Off the Record

This week: Two 18 year-olds arrested for rape; two county workers fired for swapping porn; National Drug Court Month; and much more.

Mendo’s Drug Court

The merry month of May is Drug Court Month, by a curious coincidence. A proclamation in a glass display case at the Ukiah Courthouse says so.
