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Posts published in February 2010

Oaky Joe & His Many Grows

This week, I wrote about "Oaky" Joe Munson--a former outlaw grower who "came down off the mountain," went legit and made medical pot his mission.…

Things Looking Up For Tall Timber

The North Coast’s biggest timber operator says the economy is looking up in tall timber country despite the state’s still sagging new housing and home improvement markets.

Who Really Won The Murray Case?

Guest Commentary by Susan Rush, Manchester There was no surprise, on my part, by the article which appeared in the Independent Coast Observer (ICO) by…

Letters to the Editor 2/3/2010

VEGETABLES Editor, The new trend among the thinking minority in America is local produce. People are opting for small farmer’s markets, often in suburban parking…

The Oldest Game In Washington

You can see how seriously Obama is taking the hot populist temper of the American people and their eagerness to strangle every banker in the…

Mendo’s Major Industries

I thought I overheard the following discussion the other day outside the Ukiah Visitors Center. A man in a tailored suit who was driving a…

Marijuana & Mayhem

The voice mail said: “This is Terry. Something happened… I might not see you for a while. Anyway, I’m glad you weren’t here and didn’t…

Happy Garden

There is a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco a few blocks from my parents’ house. The Garden is indistinguishable from dozens of other Chinese restaurants in Beijing-By-The-Bay: harsh fluorescent lights, black metal chairs that look like they were stolen from a VFW Hall in Fresno, a pair of grubby tanks in which lobsters and fish await the executioner’s pot. A place where rock cod and appetites come to die.

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta-bly then I shall begin. A brief column this week as I have had little time to…
