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Posts published in “Day: February 24, 2010

Blood on the Tracks

The murder trials are piling up at the Mendocino County Courthouse almost as fast as the bodies are.

Fort Bragg’s Smoking Police Report

A cigarette. That's what caused the argument three years ago that lead to the federal lawsuit filed two months ago claiming a former Fort Bragg cop had altered police documents.

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Wallen Summers

Wallen Summers becomes our third guest from the Valley who was born outside the US. He ‘arrived’ in Shanghai, China, in 1932, the second child of Sarci Chen and his American wife, Ann Summers. “My father was a sophisticated, modern guy of the 1920s who had been educated at Worcester Tech in Massachusetts and upon his return to China he became an electrical engineer with his own business. My older sister and I grew up in a middle class house­hold and we were very close. She is a retired psychia­trist in San Francisco who has hung on to her Chinese roots far more than I have. She even changed her name from June back to Mai Long and to this day continues to have very negative feelings towards the Japanese after our experiences in the Second World War, perhaps because she is four years older than me and was a teenager at that time."

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. First an update from the world of higher education. AVHS alum Cassidy…

Rehearsals For A Civil War

The Tea Party appeals to the swelling numbers of the new former middle class angry at the sudden van­ishing of their accustomed perks and entitlements to a predictably comfortable suburban existence. They're mad at the government and hot for “liberty.” But how do they propose to maintain the hyper-complexities of suburban life without taxes to pay for fixing the countless roads their lives depend on or to run the gold-plated central school districts that seem to exist solely to provide Friday night football?

Autographs For Geezers

Pitchers and catchers report to spring training this week. There is hope! Baseball is on its way. I would rather watch the Minnesota Twins, but…

Past Blast

Yesterday I came in from harvesting a storm-felled tan oak, my Neolithic mind thinking ahead to winter warmth from these new-cut logs a year hence,…

Looting Social Security: Wall Street Targets the Elderly

Hank Paulson, the Gold Sacks bankster/US Treas­ury Secretary, who deregulated the financial system, caused a world crisis that wrecked the prospects of foreign banks and governments, caused millions of Americans to lose retirement savings, homes, and jobs, and left taxpayers burdened with multi-trillions of dollars of new US debt, is still not in jail.

Big Ag’s Couple Banks On Brown, Feinstein: The Resnicks Manipulate Water Policy with Big Campaign Contributions

Delta advocates fear that campaign contributions from Stewart Resnick and other big water interests could heavily influence Jerry Brown, the potential winner of the gubernatorial race in the November election, and his positions on the construction of more dams and the November $11.1 billion water bond. They also fear Resnick could pressure Brown to support legislative and administrative attacks on federal plans protecting Delta smelt and Central Valley salmon.

Farm To Farm

I don't follow the calendar very well, and since there aren't any Lutheran churches in Anderson Val­ley I wasn't aware that last Tuesday was actually…
