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Posts published in “Day: February 11, 2010

Dispatch From The Weed Wars: Oaky Joe & The Pot Police

Volume is the first thing you notice about Joe Munson: He doesn't seem to have much control over it. The hearing aids stuffed in his ears are next. They're the result of being an alcoholic. More specifically, they're the result of going on a bender in Pontiac, Illinois, of talking shit to a very large man, of receiving an asskicking so severe his jaw broke in three places and his hearing vanished.

Letters to the Editor 2/10/2010

BLEEPS DEFENDING BLEEPS Dear Editor, The word niggardly, whether it’s an a or an e, or ending with dly, who gives a bleep? We knew…

I Want a New Lawyer!

To whom it may concern, My name is Glenn Sunkett. I am an African American citizen and Oakland California resident who is being illegally detained,…
