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Posts published in January 2010

Road Notes—Railroad, That Is

Leaving Union Station in LA, southbound, the first thing one sees is the jailhouse. We are immedately reminded that things could be worse. The building…

Letters to the Editor 1/20/2009

FAIR PLAY FOR LINDON DUKE An open letter to the citizens of round Valley, As the mother of Lindon Duke I am writing to all…

Bad Beth Bosk

Dear Editor: In response to reader replies and stirrings from Beth Bosk, I was curious about a comment that Chad Lewis made about Beth Bosk…

An Interview with Mindy Galliani (VIDEO)

Mindy Galliani, sister of accused murderer Aaron Vargas, talks about vigilantism, the rights of sex offenders and much more.

Bum Rap for Harry, Not for Bubba Bill

Even though he’s had to perform all the usual acts of contrition, tumid with “deep regrets” and “sincere apologies” Harry Reid of Nevada is surely getting a bum rap.

Searching For Hope In Haiti

As if Haitians have not suffered enough already, living in what is often identified as “the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere,” now the earth…

Farm To Farm

As I was milking the cows Friday evening, meditating and watching udders deflate while the pulsator clicked a rhythm on the floor tank, it occurred…

From the Blogs: Mendo Media Goes Pop

The company that owns most of the newspapers in Mendocino County--along with most print media in Northern California--is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Valley People 1/20/2010

A FIRE at Highland Ranch destroyed a cabin and a vehicle parked beside it Saturday night. The blaze was reported about 11, sending fire trucks…
