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Posts published in January 2010

Back on the Sako Attack

The forces for and against John Sakowicz, Mendocino County public radio's most talked about host, are once again on the march.

Intellectual Recycling

During the slow news week between Christmas and the New Year, every news organization digs up the news events from the previous year and splashes…

Pass The Red-Tail

The sun was setting, so the light was dim in the woods, but I could see his face well enough, especially with the fire so…

Farm To Farm

The promises of rain have been mostly hopeful as forecasters see abundant moisture in the El Niño conditions of the Pacific headed our way, but…

Valley People 1/6/2010

WILLIAM HOUSLEY kicks off his new business, Vintage Wine Tours, this Saturday (January 9th) with a barbecue and complementary tour of The Valley's wineries. Be…

Open Letter to John Coate

Dear John Coate, KZYX GM I wrote your colleague, news director Paul Hansen, a lengthy email on Dec 1 about the Mendocino Medical Marijuana Board’s…
