I just finished Jeffrey Toobin's excellent—if totally disturbing—Clint Smith, the Willits high school teacher who carried on a nearly year-long extramarital affair with his 15-year-old student. To be sure, the cases are different in fundamental…
Posts published in December 2009
Include me among the Mendocino County folks who thought that a decisive election outcome last month had put on hold, at least for awhile anyway, the battle over big box retail development in the…
From the blogs: Costco comes to Ukiah.
THE FARMER'S WEATHER report is the only accurate one around here. Last Saturday, as the weather cuties on television were warning of a huge rain storm that would smack NorCal by Monday, the farmers said…
Reader Michael Laybourn of Hopland recently asked: “Given the state of the county budget, what would you suggest to fix it other than layoffs of safety personnel?” First, the County should eliminate all management bargaining…
Because Jerry Brown, State Attorney General, is keeping him there. Billy Mayfield should have been out in 2002 when he'd completed his 17-year sentence for second degree murder, not only completed it but completed it…
THIS GUY SAID to me the other day, “You know what the problem is with this county?” Limo Libs running everything? I guessed. “Nope,” he said, “it's our government bringing in all these Mexicans and…