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Posts published in October 2009

The Chinks in the Superintendent’s Nig­gardly Education

It all started last March when Dennis Boaz, Ukiah teacher's rep, wrote to his union that Ukiah Unified had made only niggardly offers to teachers during union negotiations. Bryan Barrett, an assistant superintendent for the…

The Endless Censoring Of Labor

Did you know about the Bush administration’s rot­ten treatment of the air traffic controllers whose work is essential to air safety? That controllers were forced to work long, fatiguing shifts with little time to rest?…

‘I’m Outta My Water’

On October 6 the Board of Supervisors unani­mously approved the 200-unit housing development project south of Ukiah known as “Garden’s Gate.” Ironists traveling Ukiah's State Street north of Gar­den's Gate will wonder where the garden…

School News

Daring To Succeed The following is a letter written to Betsy Taylor AVID teacher at AVHS by Veronica Mendoza her former student. Veronica is a student who knew what she wanted and went after it.…

Speed Willy

I met Speed Willy at a commune that I lived in. He was a good guy, but he was a late-comer to our commune and wasn’t into the more spiritual side of the commune. There were 120 of us at Harbin Hot Springs in 1969, and Willy was a realist, not spiritual at all.

California Was A Golden Dream

On the day I arrived in the Bay Area I got to Ber­keley just an hour or so too late to catch some films at Gilman presented by the multi-talented and ever-lovely Janelle Blarg, but…

Off the Record 10/21/2009

THE STEAMIEST SEX case ever in Mendocino County kicks off Thursday with a pre-trial conference in Ukiah. Already, Judge Behnke is keeping media out, although so far as we know Christina Aanestad is the only…
