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Posts published in “Day: December 5, 2001

Naderites Trash Cokie

In 1968, while speaking at an Unbirthday Party for Lyndon Johnson held during the Democratic convention in Chicago, I revealed to the audience the true…

NorCal Media Consolidation Mantra: We Want It All Now

Yet another important story getting buried in these days of War and Patriotism is the Federal Communications Commission’s continuing campaign to get rid of regulations…

The Thrill of the Unmarked Car

SUV, pickup truck or sedan, hardtop or convertible, it doesn't matter. You're driving what is in effect a moving billboard, labeled front, side and rear…

The Ghost of Philip True

The story had everything: drugs, rape, torture, angry Indians, a corrupt justice system, gringo intervention… Philip True would have loved to cover it. But True,…

When It Comes to War…We’re All Profiteers

Guns or butter. Butter or guns. If you take both, you’ll run out of funds.  For generations, the economic textbooks taught that a country had…

Refuting Refutations

ROB ANDERSON WRITES: This article is keyed to the “Factsheet on the Judi Bari Bombing” by Jim Martin, editor and publisher of Flatland, a magazine/catalogue…
