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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Anderson Valley Artists & Friends

Anderson Valley is not only full of vineyards and wineries, it’s also home to a potpourri of artists. Diverse in subject matter and media, many, though not all, have been opening their studios to the…

Letters To The Editor

WHAT IS LOCAL? Editor, I am an Environmentalist! There I said it. I have been all my life I suppose. Ever since I learned on the back of a horse, that nature is where I…

Letters To The Editor

BAIT & SWITCH ARENA-STYLE Dear Editor, The grand jury did not find sufficient evidence to rescind what the Point Arena School Board did when, I believe, they incorrectly defeased the bond. They will, however, be…

Letters To The Editor

WHO’S IN THE POOL? Editor, Thursday, March 14, at 1pm, Mendocino County Treasurer, Shari Schapmire, convened a “Roundtable Discussion” of the Mendocino County Treasury Pool. We met in Conference C at the County Administration Center…

Letters To The Editor

UNSAFE, DESTRUCTIVE, WASTEFUL Editor, Phase 1 Willits Bypass is Unsafe, Destructive and Wasteful The Willits Bypass route, in my opinion, that would best support our local economy — and be the most cost-effective, least environmentally…

Letters To The Editor

THE WILLITS BYPASS, AN EXCHANGE THE BYPASS IS GREAT… Editor, You know, for the entire 40 years or so that I have been lucky to call this county home, I’ve been struck by the absurdity…

Letters To The Editor

ASSASSINATION NATION Editor, I believe killing people with drones to be profoundly immoral-alas. This nation is deeply invested in killing people in this manner and we are building ever more bases around the world to…

Letters To The Editor

STOP FISH POACHING! Editor, Illegal poaching on the Garcia River / Feds asleep at the wheel. I’d like to share with you a heartbreaking story of federal inaction and mismanagement in the hope that you…

A Plea For Justice At Kent State

Was It about Civil Rights or Murdering Student Protesters? On February 9, 2013, the Kent State Truth Tribunal and Allison Krause’s family submitted a list of issues to be considered by the United Nations, including…
