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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Apr 23, 2014)

We are writing on behalf of three women, a mother and her two young adult daughters, to express our concerns about your deputies' mishandling of an attempted break-in in Point Arena on Friday, March 28, 2014.

Letters (Apr 16, 2014)

Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association, neighborhood bullies indeed. I always thought “white noise” was listening to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly.

Letters (Apr 9, 2014)

It is terribly disappointing the way the trees have been butchered on the East side of Signal Ridge where it runs into Philo-Greenwood! Five or ten years ago the little oaks there were so lovely, and you could not even tell that there was a vineyard in there — over the years "you" (county road crews or their hires), or the phone co or PG&E have systematically done extremely poor pruning jobs on them so that the trees got into such bad shape they had to be removed!

Letters (Apr 2, 2014)

About four weeks ago I stopped in the County Clerk’s office in Ukiah to find out when the last election of the Anderson Valley CSD Board of Directors was. Auditor Meredith Ford said she would look it up and get back to me (no answer). After a few weeks I sent her a letter asking that question and the legality of CSD offi­cers who are not elected (no answer).

Letters (Mar 26, 2014)

Just wanted to send a quick “Thank You” to the kind people at Roederer and Lazy Creek Vineyards. I am a local contractor who normally wastes his mornings by sleeping in until 5:30. This laziness has caused me to miss out on all of the goings on around my home on Clow Ridge prior to that hour.

Letters (Mar 19, 2014)

Thank you for including a likeness of me with Mr. McEwen’s March 12th article, “The Reign of King David.” I lament had I only started my diet sooner it may have been more difficult for your graphic artist to morph my chubby face into Henry VIII’s portrait.

Letters (Mar 12, 2014)

Officer Guydan is a real POS. He arrested me on a “domestic” for arguing with an extremely intoxicated boyfriend after trying to put him to bed after a wedding.

Letters (Mar 5, 2014)

The other night at about 9pm after a busy evening of diners, a fight broke out at the Buckhorn. I guess what bothers me most about this is who was involved and the “redneck” mentality that seems to take over.

Letters (Feb 26, 2014)

Knowing the problems you have been having with the post office in recent months, I decided last spring to keep an informal log of when my AVA arrived in the mail.
