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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (Dec 30, 2015)

On the issue of the airport Timber Harvest Plan (THP, non industrial) it seems that folks the likes of Roger Sternberg, and Kendall Smith (unrelated to the airport) keep on going with their over the top costs and charges, based upon their own agendas. They may not be at fault in the big picture to have all of us pay their way; it is up to management (in this case, perhaps someone from or appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Letters (Dec 23, 2015)

I find that I cannot ignore the groundless remarks by David Severn in his letter to the AVA last week. His featherbrained comments criticized me for what he described as my "degrading and trivializing" of the recent Community Dinner at The Grange in Philo. This is such a misrepresentation of what I wrote that I must address it. I did no such thing.

Letters (Dec 16, 2015)

A few weeks ago in Off The Record, you had some unkind words about Humboldt attorney Ed Denson, calling him “an old crackpot,” who ran “some kind of half-assed music business with uber crook Darryl Cherney.”

Letters (Dec 9, 2015)

Why would we build tiny houses to put the homeless in? This will likely encourage more homeless to come into our community, and we already have an over-abundance of them now. Do you really think they will take care of these tiny houses?

Letters (Dec 2, 2015)

We’ve had almost 2-1/2 years of privatized adult mental health services and have seen the demise of Medical Outpatient where a person had timely access to their psychiatrist or nurse, and could receive local Pre-Crisis and Crisis help from professionals who knew them. We’ve seen the elimination of most of the licensed clinicians who were patient support staff in County’s three Medical Outpatient offices. The clerical staff is gone. Privatization has brought in multiple unlicensed people working in locations with names and addresses that keep changing.

Letters (Nov 25, 2015)

Mendocino County Superior Court Judge Richard Henderson issued a ruling on October 21 setting aside the County's approval of a vested right to mine Harris Quarry sought by Northern Aggregates. The court found that the County did not have enough evidence before it to grant Northern Aggregates a "vested right" and ruled on behalf of Keep the Code, a nonprofit community group based in Willits which had filed a lawsuit against the County.

Letters (Nov 18, 2015)

The Mendocino Coast Hospital Foundation's Winesong fundraiser brings in hundreds of thousands annually and has millions in brokerage accounts, yet does close to nothing significant for the hospital. Ah, yes— new imaging equipment in the radiology department. Three years ago, the foundation made no attempt to rescue the hospital from bankruptcy.

Letters (Nov 11, 2015)

This replies to Mr. Peter Brown’s letter to the Ukiah Daily Journal Editor of October 28 that Dollar General should be allowed to build one of its 9100 Square box stores in Redwood Valley because, to paraphrase, “the rules are the rules, and Dollar General has complied with the rules.”

Letters (Nov 4, 2015)

It is inevitable that there will be another wildfire. It is part of the redwood ecology. As with the 2008 Lightning Complex fires, it will be high intensity and difficult to fight. Decades of overcutting and fire suppression have resulted in proliferation of forest fuels.
