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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (June 21, 2017)

Regarding the new marijuana sitatuion that has arisen. The County wants to put a bunch of restrictions on the types of land where you can or cannot grow marijuana and so forth. It’s state-sponsored, really. They are just wrapping their octopus like tentacles around the people to force the civilians who pay taxes to pay more taxes. That’s the only reason for it all. They don’t care. They just want to make it legal so they can tax it. And that’s that.

Letters (June 14, 2017)

In the June 7th article Promo Scam-A-Rama, Mark lumps the Arts Council in with Visit Mendocino and the lodging and wine organizations. I just want to say that the Arts Council gets very little of the promo money. The Get Arts In the Schools program is one of the things the Arts Council does. It helps local artists become eligible for small grants to teach what they do in the classroom. This money is not leaving the county for advertising but stays here to benefit local children and artists. Nobody is raking it in at the Arts Council, they only have a staff of two part time positions and there are never enough hours budgeted to cover the time they put in.

Letters (June 7, 2017)

Here at the Mendocino County Jail, my uncle Greg Caudra sits in a wheelchair. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) he should be accommodated since this is a county facility but instead whenever he is transported to court he’s forced to get out of his wheelchair, sit on the dirty floor of the transport van and then upon arrival, at the courthouse be allowed to resume sitting in his wheelchair.

Letters (May 31, 2017)

As a response to Ukiah’s housing crisis, the proposed 121 home, environmentally absurd subdivision paving Lovers Lane vineyards misses the objective completely. There is no crisis in Ukiah homes for sale, as anyone who walks or drives around town will remark; nearly every street has one or more homes for sale. And we all know that were the tract homes to be approved (in opposition to existing General Plan law) a good percentage would be converted by out of town speculators to high priced rentals.

Letters (May 24, 2017)

Where are the Republicans in this country? Why can't they stand up to these liberal Democrat scumbags? Isn’t it about time that we did something for our country? It just amazes me how they can get away with the stuff they do.

Letters (May 17, 2017)

Most people know Boonville as the birthplace of the famous American pioneer Daniel Boone or the source of the refreshing alcoholic beverage Boone's Farm Apple Wine or maybe just as the last half of the word baboon.

Letters (May 10, 2017)

It is shocking that the Board of the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds would approve the painting over of the historic Fine Arts Building murals. When these murals were originally painted in 1978, it was huge community event. When they were restored in 1995, it was, once again, a huge community event.

Letters (May 3, 2017)

As many readers of this paper probably know there has been great turmoil within the California Grange system fomented by the head organization, the National Grange, who wanted California to not be so damned progressive. National de-Granged California and turned all previous Granges into Guilds. Did so even though California was the only state in the nation to show a reversal in the precipitous decline in Grange membership.

Letters (April 26, 2017)

There seems to be some confusion about Sonoma Clean Power's offer to include Mendocino County. Maybe this will clear things up a bit: A CCA or “Community Choice Energy” gives customers a choice in their energy provider.
