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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (August 19, 2020)

Unsolicited media report -- Morning TV. Channels 2, 4, 5, 7. In order to get 10 minutes of news you are required to watch and listen to 50 minutes of bullshit

Letters (August 12, 2020)

Twas 6am August 6th out here on sleepy Little Valley Road just north of Cleone when my faithful and ever vigilant doggies alerted me to a supreme disturbance in the neighborhood

Letters (August 5, 2020)

My name is Donald Edward Dellett. Since March of 2013 I have been an inmate at Chino state prison. Since June of that year I have been in prison for a crime against an individual and society as a whole. I pled no contest then came to prison as a confused and psychologically damaged man who hurt the most those I claimed to love.

Letters (July 29, 2020)

When I last wrote in early June San Quentin had just been closed to inmates carrying the Covid-19 virus. No one knows who went against Governor Newsom's order to not move prisoners from prison to prison to prevent the spread of the virus. However, that ship has now sailed

Letters (July 22, 2020)

At a time when we are seeing record high temperatures, record low rainfall, worsening dead zones off our coastline and killer toxic algae in our rivers, a proposal is afoot to expand cannabis cultivation

Letters (July 15, 2020)

Previously I expressed my dismay that last week's update from Dr. Doohan was only available on Facebook, and that the notice of the changed time was also only available on Facebook.

Letters (July 8, 2020)

"Reopening" has created a predictable – and completely preventable – coronavirus resurgence. Low income people desperate to pay for food and rent are forced to go to deadly virus-saturated jobs. Further, as the poor have had their hours and wages cut, the rich accumulate.

Letters (July 1, 2020)

I can’t believe the letters to the Ukiah Daily Journal editor squawking to stop Tom Hine from writing his column in the Journal. Personally, of all of the local writers of columns, the only two I ever read are Tom Hine and Jim Shields

Letters (June 24, 2020)

While at my home on Clow Ridge, I began to experience what my wife and I thought was a heart attack. The symptoms were severe and I was pretty sure my number was up.
