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Posts published in “Essays”

Harvey the Ho of Wall Street

Washingtonians have been diverted of late by a dumpy, bearded, middle-aged man running  around on Pennsylvania Avenue wearing only white patent-leather, calf-length boots, a blue wig, a thong and two tassels attached to the silver…

Death, Juries and Scalia

Amid all the assaults on the Bill of Rights, the trashing of the Bill of Rights in the Patriot Act, the denial of habeas corpus to citizens, amid all this, in the span of one…

The Mysterious Death of Judi Bari

When I first met Judi Bari, she was lying in a hospital bed in Oakland, California, recovering from a bomb blast that ripped through her lower body and nearly killed her. As we spoke, she…

Deadly Ambition in Ashland

They left to see Macbeth — not in thunder, lightning, or rain, but… snow! A light blizzard was blowing on the Northern California mountain passes as they cruised past Crescent City, driving an old Ford…

Slow Sloppy Sloburbs

Ukiah’s streets are constantly being ripped into, sometimes for an “upgrade” to your television service, sometimes for more noble reasons like replacing aging sewer pipes.  When any given contractor is finished mining our streets, he…

The Great Fort Bragg Witch Hunt

Isn’t it just like Lucifer to plunk his evil self down in a pretty little Mendocino County mill town of forested hillsides, ocean bluffs, and rivers running to the sea? Life was good in Fort…

Crimes of Passion

I was once married to a man named Oscar Johnson. Sometime in the early 60s we took a bus to Reno carrying a packed lunch including ten bags of Mexican yellow heroin and a bottle…

It’s a Small World Afterall

Summer is on San Francisco’s doorstep, right there with the drunk vagrants lying in their own urine, flyers for a sweet-fluff club called “Sixxteen” touting glam-rock bacchanalia, and chinese and pizza delivery menus offering delicacies…

Lisa Lebow – Life as Conceptual Art

Lisa Lebow died of cancer before dawn Friday morning, one day shy of her 50th birthday and the day after Stuart Tregoning’s 60th. At her insistence, he didn’t call off their Saturday birthday party, and…
