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Posts published in “Essays”

The Day After Christmas

The days after Christmas, we finally got the first rain in about a month, so there wasn’t anything to do but sit around the house and read books or watch the kids entertain one another.…

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Here we are, back in the suicide season: It’s Christmas time. Half of us are thinking not of our fellow man and woman, but of pills and pistols; the other half goes shopping, partyies and…

Used Otto, Inc.

With a keen sense of political irony, Otto Reich, Bush's former overlord for Latin America, chose the morning of the November elections to publicly unveil his latest venture, Otto Reich & Associates, Inc., a Beltway…

Danny Kuny Looks Back

Long-time Valley resident Danny Kuny is leaving the Valley. He wanted to speak his mind one last time before he left.

Journey to Vietnam

Leaving Jakarta, Indonesia, by plane we flew to Vietnam by way of Bangkok. It was easy enough but the wait in Bangkok airport was long and tedious after a few hours layover. The airport had…

Captain Fathom’s Journey

I first became politically conscious when I was about 18 or 19 years old in New York City. I began to listen to all the various socialist and communist and liberal and democratic political entities.…

Felipe’s Protest

Is the Mendocino County justice system out to get Mexicans? Do Mexicans suffer more than their share of unfair treatment at the Mendocino Courthouse or from Mendocino County’s public servants? To make an official case…

Melt Down

By now, everyone I know is tired of talking about Michael Moore and “Fahrenheit 9/11.” He's been successful beyond his wildest dreams in getting the movie out and talked about, and there've been ravings from…

Candidate Kerry

I tried shouting “Kerry-Edwards” on the step out to my garden. The cat yawned and the flowers drooped. Democrats know this in their hearts. Twit them about Kerry’s dreariness, reminiscent of thin chowder or Weepin’…
