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Posts published in “Essays”

Censoring Labor

Most people, of course, work for a living. They spend at least half their lives working and, in fact, define themselves by their jobs. They obviously would be interested in — and obviously need —…

Mountain Lions In Our Midst

One of the more rewarding aspects of this job is to discover the myriad and remarkable ways that people's buttons get pushed. With regards to Nancy Mayer's comments (see below) about last week's tidbit on…

Bird Flu Chicken Poop

Every time I see the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, I wonder if it's worth torturing myself by trusting that paper to give me a picture of what humanity is up to. I don't buy it.…

The Blind Leading the Ophthalmologists: Hospital Mulls $10 Bond (Or Tax)

There were four different official versions of the recent departure of Coast Hospital's Chief Financial Officer Jacob Lewis. Hospital Business Development Director Heather Paulsen described Lewis's departure as "taking on a new challenge." Lewis himself…

Clowns In Sri Lanka

I work for the Hong Kong Red Cross in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. My title is Volunteer Construction Delegate. Way back in February I wrote about arranging to have Clowns Without Borders do a show in…

The Press Democrat’s ‘Get Vroman’ Campaign

I read Mike Geniella's May 24, 2006, article on Norm Vroman in the Press Democrat. Before that article was published, I kept silent to the press about the Mendocino County District Attorney's race, as have…

Don’t Bite the Hands that Feed Us

This much is clear about the confusing many-sided debate over immigration law reform: Whatever Congress finally comes up with — if it manages to come up with anything — is certain to victimize hundreds of…
