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Posts published in “Essays”

Hallowed Grounds: Fenway & Wrigley

During the first half of the twentieth century, Americans could count on death, taxes and the same sixteen teams in Major League Baseball. All sixteen teams huddled in the northeast quadrant of the coun­try. Boston,…

Willits, Weed & Craigslist…

The three Santa Barbara guys recently busted for unloading clones on Craigslist--and for maintaining a grow house in Willits--are in good company. Medical company, of course.

Me, The Pope & Aaron Vargas

I don’t know if Aaron Vargas, the Fort Bragg man who was scheduled to go on trial this month for killing his longtime sexual abuser, is by baptism a Roman Catholic.  But I suspect during…

Tea Party Rage in Mendo?

No--just an AVA fan, confessing their love in the bathroom stall of The Peg House. Courtesy Hank Sims, North Coast Journal.

A Clarification on the Death of Jeanne Huckins

In a recent story I wrote about Jeanne Huckins--a Fort Bragg woman who was found dead in early January and whose death was recently ruled a suicide--I quoted, and paraphrased, a Fort Bragg police sergeant,…

T’was A Famous Victory

“Cleopatra's nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.” So wrote Pascal, remembering how Caesar and Mark Anthony, those mighty generals of the Roman Empire, were captivated by…

The Dreams of the Supervisors

Last Monday’s long-anticipated Budget Workshop began with 40-plus people wanting to tell the Board of Supervisors to spare certain services from the budget axe – the Willits library, the County Museum, the Coast Animal Shelter…

Farm To Farm

I was planning to plant peas Sunday morning. The moon was nearly full and therefore it should be a good time to put seeds in the ground to sprout. It was also a good time…
